Ok, this may be something different for you. If you have ever attempted to resolve an issue with another business or someone you work alongside and it has been unsuccessful or you thought that it could have gone better, then maybe you are missing a vital component of business expertise? You are about to go down a brand-new path and get up close and personal with, emotions and behavior!!! Now not everyone is comfortable with this, or indeed wants to do it, but consider this for one minute.  

No matter who you are and what business you work in, everyone and I do mean everyone is affected by and to a greater degree controlled by their emotions. From finance to law, to construction and retail, we are all at the mercy of our human emotions. 

Emotions affect everything we do and precisely how we do things. We are all ruled and governed by an emotional reaction to some degree, even if we do not think so. The latest research shows that the majority of your actions are controlled by your unconscious (emotional) mind.

 So, taking that into account do you think that if you learned something about people and emotions you would stand a much better chance of resolving a dispute or negotiating a better deal? 

Now resolving business-to-business problems is of vital importance as your business will depend upon the relationship you have and build with other businesses. Now all businesses are run by human beings and as Richard Branson said “People are the lifeblood of every business”, so the important thing to remember here is relationships. If you have a great relationship with another company, deals are going to run smoother and quicker and become less costly. Fees are going to be reduced for repeat business and when problems occur and they always will, it will be quicker and easier for you to remedy them if you have a great relationship with “the other side”. In fact, that old term is one of the first things which you need to purge from your thinking, as from now on you need to start working and building positive emotional relationships with other companies.

If you are currently involved in a work-based dispute and are looking to hire a professional mediator, then please contact me for a free consultation call.


Email me

Call: 07919102191

Website: Vantage Mediation
